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Level Two Resources 

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Tips for Practicing efficiently:

  1. Split up the music/ exercise into smaller steps

  2. Sound out chords to ensure all necessary strings are ringing​​

  3. Clap the rhythm before you play It

  4. Strive for perfect technique

  5. Play it 4 times or more in a row cleanly before moving on


  • 8th notes and 16th notes

  • Rhythmic improvisation 

  • Reading Rhythms

Rhythm Level 2

In this unit we will develop a better rhythmic foundation and vocabulary. We will discover how to count 8th and 16th notes. We will discuss time signatures and experience new vocabulary through rhythmic improvisation. 

Repeat after me rhythms lvl 2
00:00 / 01:54
4/4 Rhythm Jam Track
00:00 / 00:57
3/4 Jam Track
00:00 / 02:17

Rhythm Tree

8th Notes and dotted Half Notes Exercise

16th Note Rhythm Exercise


  • Full Chord Voicings

  • Common Chord Progressions

  • Building Strumming Patterns

Chords Level 2

In this Unit we will learn how to play and practice open chord voicings using multiple fingers. We will also create strumming patterns and learn several popular chord progressions. I have included jam tracks for you to practice strumming chords along with. 

C Blues Play along
ii V I Play along (Key of C)
I V vi IV Play Along (Key of C)
I IV vi V Play Along (Key of C)

Chord Shapes

Common Chord Progressions (Key of C)

Common Chord Progressions (Key of G)

Common Chord Progressions (Key of D)


  • Major Scale Shape

  • Melodic Ideas 

  • Improvising using Major Scale

Major Scale

Scales are the foundation of music. Nearly all music is composed of scales arranged in different ways. Chords are made out of certain notes from scales played at the same time. Melodies are created using scales. When we practice scales we are practicing the patterns that nearly all music is made from. We also use scales to improvise over the chords that fit inside the scale. There are jam tracks provided for you to experience and create sounds using this major scale shape.

Jam Track G major
Jam Track F major
Jam Track Bb major

Major Scale Shape

Melodic Ideas (G Major)


  • Reading Melodies using the Natural Scale

  • Resources


In this unit we will continue using the natural scale that we learned previously to read simple melodies. I have included links to further resources for developing your music reading skills. 

Practice Melodies


  • Half Steps and Whole Steps

  • Creating melodies


Music theory is about understanding the concepts, definitions and relationships of all the sounds that are combined to create music. By learning music theory, we are able to understand what we are playing and create new music, as well as communicate with other musicians using a common language. We begin by identifying intervals, or, the distance between two notes. The first two intervals we will discuss are half steps and whole steps. 

Whole Steps and Half Steps

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